Quatam River Airport
Quatam River Airport
Quatam River Airport is a small airport in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada. The airport is located in a series of fjords and arms so although ocean water is just off the runway it is a long journey to the open sea. The airport is just meters from the Quatam River which leads up a long valley and into the tall mountains. The airport is a hub for forest workers who are clearing out the forest up and down the valley sides. The airport has been there for more than 35 years serving many purposes.
It features a 762-meter long dirt runway with the sea to the west. Landings to the west and takeoffs to the east are discouraged unless winds are in strong favor of said direction. This is due to 30-40 meter trees at the east end of the runway.
Features of Quatam River Airport:
- 2 airfields.
- 10+ helipads.
- 10+ Bush plane landing spots.
- Hand painted ground textures at a resolution of 2 cm per pixel by airports.
- Dynamic runway obstruction plugin (Windows only).
- 3D animated trees surrounding airports.
- Highly realistic 3D vegetation such as grass, shrubs and bushes.
- Runway puddle effects.
- Use of X-Plane PBR materials.
- Custom mesh based on HD Mesh V4 by AlpilotX.
- Living airport with custom animated machinery and ground traffic.
- HDR Night lighting.
Check out the full manual for the scenery here.
This scenery is available for X-Plane 11 Only.