Cessna 172 Bush Kit
Based on the stories from Ken Myles, a real-life Quatam River Airport pilot we have created a free addon for the default Cessna 172. This mod places you in an old school workhorse C172 with two retro liveries. The cockpit is old and worn but has been given a modern touch with the retrofitted Garmin Angle Of Attack indicator. This modern avionics piece allows you to tell exactly how close you are to stalling and allows you to safely fly close to the limits of the aircraft. Perfect for short field landings where landing slow and precise is the difference between a safe landing and ending up in the trees. This C172 as also been fitted with large 29-inch Tundra Tires allowing for soft field and off-airport landings. You can also swap out the standard Tricycle gear for the conventional taildragger configuration. In the cabin, the backseats have been swapped out for cargo space which is dynamically added based on the payload added in the X-Plane settings. A belly cargo pod is also added with the weight so you can carry all your bush flying supplies.
We have worked closely with SimCoders the makers of the Reality Expansion Pack to ensure compatibility between their REP for the default C172 and our bush pack. They have released an update which recognizes our custom files and adds your regular REP features for the most realistic C172 flying experience, now with a bush flying configuration.
- In cockpit, Garmin Angle Of Attack indicator for improved Short landings and safe low-speed manoeuvring.
- Custom Tundra tyres with better shock absorbing.
- Tricycle and taildragger version.
- Dynamic cargo system. The plane has removed backseat to allow for cargo storage in the cabin. As you increase the payload in X-Plane you will see cargo build up in the back.
- Belly cargo pod automatically added when the payload is higher.
- Custom textures for interior and exterior giving a workhorse like look. Nothing is clean or new, everything looks used and old.
- Integration of Miniweeb's Slant Alpha cockpit layout meaning radio stack on the panel instead of GPS'. (With permission from Miniweebs)
- Official Reality Expansion Pack(REP) support from SimCoders.